30 December 2017
Vol. 9 N.4
Creating bridges for better treatment of chronic diseases
Murillo MD, Ruiz JM.
Evaluation of compliance with hypoglycemic and anti-hypertension treatments in Galicia (CumpleGa)
Fornos-Pérez JA, Andrés-Rodríguez NF, Andrés-Iglesias JC, Mera-Gallego R, Mera-Gallego I, Penín-Álvarez O, Brizuela-Rodicio L.
Special article
Pharmacotherapeutic monitoring pharmacist competency
Goienetxea E.
Case Reports
Ensure the medication is not expelled through the nose
Feijoo D, Moreno L, Salar L.
Letters to the editor
The importance of education in community pharmacies vs. responsible alcohol consumption
Gallego C, Olmos L, Ferreira FJ, Gil M.


Manual for authors

Journal Information