Farm Comunitarios. 2014 Mar 30;6(1):35-37. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2014/Vol6).001.07

What to do in the event of physician disagreement with the pharmacist? (Case of reintroduction of clozapine)

Bartoll Andrés A1, Escoda Casanova JS1, Pol Yanguas E2
1. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Facultad de Farmacia 2. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Facultad de Farmacia. Centro Asistencial Doctor Esquerdo, Alicante
Bartoll A, Escoda JS, Pol E. What to do in the event of physician disagreement with the pharmacist? (Case of reintroduction of clozapine). Farm Comunitarios. 2014 Mar 30;6(1):35-37. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2014/Vol6).001.07
Abstract : 

AB is a schizophrenic patient receiving clozapine. Following a series of problems with the medication, the patient had an episode of aggressiveness against his psychiatrist and nurse. The physician suspended clozapine, and after a period without the drug, he decided to reintroduce it at the doses administered before the episode of aggressiveness. The pharmacist was against this decision and, based on the information contained in the Summary of Product Characteristics, considered that the reintroduction of clozapine should be made from the starting dose, with weekly blood controls. Following discussions between the physician and pharmacist on this subject, the former insists on paying no attention to the warnings of the pharmacist. Finally, after insistence from the Department of Pharmacy, it proved possible to prescribe clozapine correctly, thereby avoiding a possible drug-related problem.

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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