Farm Comunitarios. 2016 Dec 30;8(4):5-17. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2016/Vol8).004.02

Perceived effectiveness and safety of symptomatic slow action drugs for osteoarthritis (sysadoa) for treating osteoarthrosis from community pharmacy

Adán C, Molinero A, Castellano L, Peral V, Araño B, de-Juan B, Fernández A, García-Alcalde P, Matute E.
Adán C, Molinero A, Castellano L, Peral V, Araño B, de-Juan B, Fernández A, García-Alcalde P, Matute E. Perceived effectiveness and safety of symptomatic slow action drugs for osteoarthritis (sysadoa) for treating osteoarthrosis from community pharmacy. Farm Comunitarios. 2016 Dec 30;8(4):5-17. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2016/Vol8).004.02
Abstract : 

Background: Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint process a deep, chronic and poorly localized pain. The SYSADOA are slow-acting drugs that prevent the deterioration of cartilage, reduce pain and improve joint function. 

Objectives: To study the perception of effectiveness and safety of SYSADOA for the treatment of osteoarthritis in the community pharmacy.

Method: Cross-sectional study in eight community pharmacies in Madrid between the months of December 2015 and January 2016 by conducting surveys.

Results: A sample of 103 patients was included, where the mean age was over 60 years (47.9%) and 70.9% female. 32 interviewees (31%) mentioned healthy lifestyles. 54 patients (52.4%) suffer from other diseases: hypertension (34.0%), hypercholesterolemia (28.2%), diabetes (15.5%). The SYSADOA most frequently dispensed was chondroitin sulphate. Data analysis reveals that 53.4% of patients saw an improvement in mobility, 50.5% improved their quality of life and 49.5% improved their mood. Sixty-three patients (61.2%) reported that SYSADOA were effective. 2.9% of patients who had taken analgesics in combination with SYSADOA previously reported they were doing better with SYSADOA. Medication adherence was found in 76 (73.8%) patients. Fourteen (13.5%) Drug-Related Problems (DRPs) were found and thirteen (12.6%) Negative Outcomes Related to Medicines (NOM) were detected, two of them (1.8%) safety risk. 

Conclusions: Patients suffering from osteoarthritis are very adherents and SYSADOA drugs are perceived as effective and safe. They refer improvement in joint mobility, quality of life and mood.

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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