Farm Comunitarios. 2017 Dec 30;9(4):26-27. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2017/Vol9).004.05

The importance of education in community pharmacies vs. responsible alcohol consumption

Gallego Muñoz C1, Olmos Gutiérrez L2, Ferreira Alfaya FJ3, Gil Candel M4
1. Farmacéutico especialista en Farmacia Hospitalaria. Hospital Reina Sofía (Murcia) 2. Licenciado en Medicina. Universidad de Sevilla 3. Farmacéutico comunitario. Farmacia Muñoz (Melilla) 4. Residente de Farmacia Hospitalaria. Hospital Reina Sofía (Murcia)
Gallego C, Olmos L, Ferreira FJ, Gil M. The importance of education in community pharmacies vs. responsible alcohol consumption. Farm Comunitarios. 2017 Dec 30;9(4):26-27. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2017/Vol9).004.05
Abstract : 

Alcohol consumption is one of the most widely known preventable risk factors associated with an increase in population morbidity and mortality. In Mediterranean countries, alcohol has been consumed since time immemorial, and is usually obtained from fruit fermentation, more rarely from distillation. In Spain, alcohol consumption generally follows the so-called "Mediterranean drinking pattern", i.e. drinking is associated with social occasions, in the company of friends, family or acquaintances and currently occurs mostly at facilities in the catering industry and less at home. It is assumed to take the form of moderate, responsible consumption, not occurring mostly at the weekend or associated with binge drinking over shorter periods of time. Conversely, evidence shows the existence of positive effects of moderate alcohol consumption on health. 

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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