Farm Comunitarios. 2019 Sep 30;11(3):22-41. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2019/Vol11).003.05

Information to patients on professional pharmaceutical care services of Community Pharmacy

Baixauli Fernández VJ1, Abellán-García Sánchez F2, Molinero Crespo A3, Prats Más R4, Plaza Zamora J5, Gaztelurrutia Lavesa L6, Bellver Beltrán S7, Arranz Esteban MM8, García-Espona Pancorbo JL9, Cremades Alcaraz J10, Amador-Fernández N11
1. Doctor en Farmacia por la Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera. Responsable servicios profesionales de SEFAC. Farmacéutico comunitario en Mislata (Valencia). 2. Doctor en Medicina Legal y Abogado de Derecho Sanitario Asesores. 3. Doctora en Farmacia por la Universidad Complutense. Responsable del Área científica de SEFAC. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Fuenlabrada (Madrid). 4. Doctora en Farmacia por la Universidad de Granada. Coordinadora grupo de trabajo de HTA y riesgo vascular. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Denia (Alicante). 5. Doctor en Farmacia por la Universidad de Murcia. Coordinador del Grupo de trabajo de Respiratorio y tabaquismo de SEFAC. Farmacéutico comunitario en Mazarrón (Murcia). 6. Coordinadora del Área de Tabaquismo del Grupo Respiratorio y tabaquismo de SEFAC. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Barakaldo (Bizkaia). 7. Coordinadora de la subcomisión de Revisión del Uso de los Medicamentos (RUM) de SEFAC. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Onda (Castellón). 8. Miembro de la subcomisión de Revisión del Uso de los Medicamentos (RUM) de SEFAC. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Brighton (Reino Unido). 9. Miembro de la subcomisión de Revisión del Uso de los Medicamentos (RUM) de SEFAC. Farmacéutico comunitario en Huéscar (Granada). 10. Doctor en Farmacia por la Universidad Miguel Hernández (Elche). Miembro de la subcomisión de Revisión del Uso de los Medicamentos (RUM) de SEFAC. Farmacéutico comunitario en Aspe (Alicante). 11. Farmacéutica. Departamento técnico de SEFAC.
Baixauli VJ, Abellán-García F, Molinero A, Prats R, Plaza J, Gaztelurrutia L, Bellver S, Arranz MM, García-Espona JL, Cremades J, Amador-Fernández N. Information to patients on professional pharmaceutical care services of Community Pharmacy. Farm Comunitarios. 2019 Sep 30;11(3):22-41. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2019/Vol11).003.05
Abstract : 

The provision of professional pharmaceutical care services (SPFA) to the patient from the community pharmacy must be carried out by observing a series of previous health and legal guarantees that ensure the rights of the patient. Any action in the area of a patient’s health requires his or her free and voluntary consent once he or she had received the appropriate information. This information will, as a general rule, be provided orally (except in the case of invasive procedures, which are the ones with the most serious risks), must be truthful and include at least the purpose and nature of each intervention, its risks and its consequences, and must be communicated to the patient in a way that is understandable and adapted to his or her needs, in a way that helps you make decisions according to your own free will. Thus, in order for the patient to consent to the provision of an SPFA, he must first receive specific information about that service. Although this information could be provided only verbally, as SPFAs are novel services with which the patient is not familiar, it’s advisable to provide it also in writing, as this way ensures that it communicates uniformly, comprehensively, avoiding mistakes and forgetfulness, and also that the patient will have more time to study it at home. This article discusses the minimum information to be provided to patients and users in the provision of SPFA. In addition, it shows, as an example, the information provided to the patient in five of the SPFA that manage the SEFAC e_XPERT® application, as well as an informed consent model which includes all other necessary information which must also be communicated to patient.


Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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