Farm Comunitarios. 2022 Oct 21;14(4):34-37. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2022/Vol14).004.05

Referral from Minor Ailment Service to Drug Use Review Service

Fuentes-Senise C1, Ferreira Alfaya FJ2, Senise-Gómez ME3, Cura Y4
1. Farmacéutico comunitario. Farmacia Puente Ladrillo. Salamanca, España 2. Máster en Atención Farmacéutica. Farmacéutico en Servicios Médicos del Centro Penitenciario de Melilla. Melilla (España) 3. Médico de Atención Primaria. Centro de salud Aldaeadávila de la Ribera. Aldeadávila de la Ribera, Salamanca, España 4. Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Unidad de Farmacogenética Granada, España
Fuentes-Senise C, Ferreira FJ, Senise-Gómez ME, Cura Y. Referral from Minor Ailment Service to Drug Use Review Service. Farm Comunitarios. 2022 Oct 21;14(4):34-37. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2022/Vol14).004.05
Abstract : 

Patient referring sleeps disorders asks in the Community pharmacy for a non-prescription treatment. Suspecting of a short-term insomnia, she is classified as moderate insomnia by the Insomnia Severity Index. She is recommended to take a non-prescription melatonin-based medicine. Despite referring to being better 2 weeks after the beginning of the treatment, 2 months later the opposite situation is found.  After the follow-up, drug-related problems are detected, so she is referred to the Drug Use Review Service founding many Drugs Related Problems. Among these problems, there is found a mistake causing confusion between the melatonin-based medicine and caffeine capsules belonging to his grandchild with whom she lives. Due to the following-up done in the Minor Ailment Service a referral was done to solve many Drugs Related Problems.



Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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