Farm Comunitarios. 2017 Sep 30;9(3):5-12. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2017/Vol9).003.02

The ‘I-VALOR’ Program: Standardized, Protocolized, and Registered Drug Indications for Community Pharmacy

Salar Ibáñez L, Prats Mas R1, Eyaralar Riera T2, Espejo Guerrero J3
1. Doctor en Farmacia. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Denia (Alicante) 2. Doctor en Farmacia. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Carbayín Alto (Asturias) 3. Doctor en Farmacia. Farmacéutico comunitario en Adra (Almería).
Salar L, Prats R, Eyaralar T, Espejo J. The ‘I-VALOR’ Program: Standardized, Protocolized, and Registered Drug Indications for Community Pharmacy. Farm Comunitarios. 2017 Sep 30;9(3):5-12. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2017/Vol9).003.02
Abstract : 

The minor ailment service (MAS) is the professional service offered upon demand from a patient or user who visits the community pharmacy without knowing which medicine to acquire, and wishes the pharmacist to provide the best remedy for his or her specific health problem. It is a service frequently demanded in the pharmacy and needs to have an action protocol developed to guarantee the safety of the patient. The aim is to develop an action plan (I-VALOR: “the value of drug indications”) to help embed the program into community pharmacy. Material and methods: A software program in a web format which includes an educational program, a list of referral to the physician criteria after a consensus agreed within medical and pharmaceutical scientific societies, a record system and a patient information system, has been developed. The program allows issuing pre-elaborates documents oriented both to the patients and physicians in a semiautomatic way. Also, the program is intended to be fully implemented thorough Spanish community pharmacies. Results: 1,022 pharmacists, 520 owners and 502 assistant pharmacists, participated in 846 pharmacies distributed in all Spanish provinces. 50.4% of the pharmacies were situated in a “neighborhood” and 34.4% in “rural” areas. 37,701 records on 5 health problems; skin erosions, colds, heartburn, ocular dryness and allergies were registered. There were no differences in relation to the type of pharmacy or geographical region. Conclusions: The I-Valor program includes a software tool which helps the community pharmacist to provide the minor ailment service in a more professional way. Due to the high rate of participants it can be said that the tool is useful and suitable to be used in community pharmacy practice. 

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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