Farm Comunitarios. 2018 Jun 30;10(2):21-26. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2018/Vol10).002.04

‘KAIRÓS’ project: ambulatory monitoring of blood pressure in community pharmacies. Monitoring and follow-up of blood pressure in hypertensive elderly patients under treatment

Penín Álvarez O1, Villasuso Cores B2, Rojo Fernández JC3, Blanco González MI1, Blanco González L4
1. Farmacéutico comunitario. Farmacia Óscar Penín. Celanova (Ourense). 2. Farmacéutica comunitaria. Farmacia Benigna Villasuso. Mugardos (A Coruña). 3. Médico de familia. Servicio Galego de Saúde (SERGAS). Celanova (Ourense). 4. Licenciado en Matemáticas. Especialidad de Estadística.
Penín O, Villasuso B, Rojo JC, Blanco MI, Blanco L. ‘KAIRÓS’ project: ambulatory monitoring of blood pressure in community pharmacies. Monitoring and follow-up of blood pressure in hypertensive elderly patients under treatment. Farm Comunitarios. 2018 Jun 30;10(2):21-26. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2018/Vol10).002.04
Abstract : 

Objectives: Learning, through ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (AMBP) in community pharmacies (CP), the level of blood pressure (BP) monitoring in hypertensive elderly patients.

Identification of circadian profile. 

Identification of isolated clinical hypertension (ICH) and hidden uncontrolled hypertension (HUH).

Methods: Consecutive sampling of hypertensive elderly patients with antihypertensive drug treatment attended to at two CPs. Isolated measuring of blood pressure in a community pharmacy (IMCP) and AMBP were conducted over at least 29 hours in each patient. The report was sent to the doctor for evaluation.

Results: 219 patients (47.9% females, aged 71.5±5.4 years on average). The level of control with IMCP measurement (74 patients) is 34% and with AMBP (99 patients) is 45%.

The prevalence of the dipper circadian rhythm was 29.7%.

21 hypertensive patients controlled with IMCP (<140/90) (9.6%) had BP values of≥130/80 in AMBP 24h, and/or ≥135/85 in AMBP activity and/or ≥120/70 night time AMBP, considering patients with hidden uncontrolled hypertension (HUH).

46 hypertensive uncontrolled patients in IMCP (≥140/90) (21%) had BP values of<130/80 in AMBP 24h and <135/85 in AMBP activity and <120/70 night time AMBP, considering patients with isolated clinical hypertension (ICH).

Conclusions: The level of BP control of hypertensive elderly patients is higher when measured with AMBP. 

Its circadian profile is mostly non dipper. 

AMBP measurement in CPs allows identification of ICH and HUH. Isolated BP measurements are not sufficient to optimize HBP control in these patients.

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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