Farm Comunitarios. 2019 Mar 29;11(1):3-4. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2019/Vol11).001.01

What is the initiative “Alianza contra el asma” (Alliance against asthma)?

Plaza Zamora J1
1. Vocal de la Junta Directiva y coordinador de los Grupos de Trabajo de SEFAC.
Plaza J. What is the initiative “Alianza contra el asma” (Alliance against asthma)?. Farm Comunitarios. 2019 Mar 29;11(1):3-4. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2019/Vol11).001.01
Abstract : 

Nuria, a long-standing patient at the pharmacy, comes in very upset looking for salbutamol 100 micrograms inhaler for her husband Paco, who has an electronic prescription for it. Her husband was just made redundant and, according to Nuria, he is “fit to collapse.” After checking when salbutamol was dispensed in the last few months I realize that, with her current request, it will be the second pack in the last month. It seems a bit excessive and, as a consequence, I ask her how her husband is coping with his asthma, and she replies that he seems to be doing ok; as soon as he feels unwell, he uses the inhaler and goes back to what he was doing… She goes on to mention that Paco’s boss fired him because he is not productive enough. His tiredness is having an impact on his daily life. Maybe his asthma is not under control? Is he perhaps not following his maintenance treatment? Could Paco perhaps perform his tasks as if he didn’t have asthma?

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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