Farm Comunitarios. 2020 Jul 22;12(3):3-4. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2020/Vol12).003.01

A virtual conference adapted to the reality of pharmacies

Sáenz de Buruaga Pérez de Atxa S1, Díez García MA2
1. Presidenta de SEFAC Euskadi y del comité organizador del IX Congreso Nacional de Farmacéuticos Comunitarios 2. Presidenta del comité científico
Sáenz S, Díez MA. A virtual conference adapted to the reality of pharmacies. Farm Comunitarios. 2020 Jul 22;12(3):3-4. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2020/Vol12).003.01
Abstract : 

When we were thinking of a theme for the National Congress of Community Pharmacists (, scheduled to take place in May 2020 in Bilbao, we never thought it would be so prophetic: “Ezina ekinez egina” or "Through sacrifice and hard work, the impossible is achieved".

We are doing it... We are doing it again. It has been said with sarcasm that our "superpower" lies in being a pharmacist. Well, yes, we have to believe it, because, once again, we as professionals have adapted to the needs of our purpose: the patients. In this world pandemic situation, we are looking after people "as usual". Working with complications and difficulties that few have been able to see or appreciate, we are achieving the impossible: delivering medications to all our patients, looking after everyone no matter how far they are, conveying accurate and scientific information to the population, we are researching and compiling scientific information to improve and create evidence, learning not only on COVID-19 but also on: hypertension, asthma, dermatology… and boosting services like pharmaceutical indication, so critical during the pandemic. And all this will be presented at our congress this October. Why? Because that's what a congress is for: to compare experiences, exchanged information, discuss important issues and teach about all we do and can do.

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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