Farm Comunitarios. 2020 Jul 22;12(3):14-20. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2020/Vol12).003.03

Evaluation of the blood creatinine meter Nova StatSensor Xpress® in a community pharmacy

Espejo Guerrero J1, McGouh L2, Cámara Ramos I3, Escribá Martí G4, Climent Catalá MT5
1. Farmacéutico comunitario en Adra (Almería). Doctor en Farmacia por la Universidad de Granada. Máster en Diseño y Estadística para la Investigación en Ciencias de la Salud por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona 2. International Clinical Studies Manager, Nova Biomedical 3. Licenciado en Farmacia. Farmacia familiar y comunitaria 4. Licenciada en Farmacia. Máster Oficial de Atención Farmacéutica y Farmacia Asistencial. Diplomado de Sanidad por la Escuela Valenciana de Estudios para la Salud. Farmacia familiar y comunitaria 5. Doctora en Farmacia. Presidenta SEFAC Comunitat Valenciana. Farmacia familiar y comunitaria
Espejo J, McGouh L, Cámara I, Escribá G, Climent MT. Evaluation of the blood creatinine meter Nova StatSensor Xpress® in a community pharmacy. Farm Comunitarios. 2020 Jul 22;12(3):14-20. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2020/Vol12).003.03
Abstract : 

Introduction: At community pharmacy, determinations of analytical parameters are made more and more frequently. The values obtained are particularly useful in Pharmaceutical Care work. One of them, blood creatinine, can be especially useful for the detection and monitoring of chronic renal disease. In addition, it would allow to suggest to the clinician the deprescription or dose adjustment of certain nephrotoxic or renal elimination drugs according to the calculated glomerular filtrate. The usefulness of a new device, the StatSensor Xpress Creatinine® by Nova Biomedical, is being considered as a preliminary step to carrying out a study on the possibility of implementing a professional service with these characteristics.

Material and methods: From a blood sample provided by one of the researchers and a creatinine control solution, 35 samples are prepared and analyzed with the test device. Another 35 aliquots of the former are analyzed by a reference laboratory. Accuracy, diagnostic performance and precision are evaluated using the Passing Bablock, Lin correlation coefficient, Bland Altman, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, and coefficient of variation tests.

Results: The Passing Bablock test and the Lin coefficient are correct. Bland Altman is statistically significant at values greater than 5 mg/dL. Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity are 100% and the coefficient of variation is less than 5%.

Conclusion: The StatSensor Xpress Creatinine® Handheld Analyzer is valid in the range of common community pharmacy values

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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