Farm Comunitarios. 2021 Apr 19;13(2):42-48. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2021/Vol13).002.07

Design of a questionnaire to know the satisfaction and perception of the population with the electronic prescription system

Bonilla Guijarro A1, Bonilla Guijarro E2, Thuissard Vasallo IJ3, Bailén Andrino M4, Hernando Jerez A5
1. Licenciada en Farmacia. Farmacia comunitaria Amparo Bonilla, Madrid. 2. Graduada en Farmacia. Farmacia comunitaria Amparo Bonilla, Madrid. 3. Doctor en Biomedicina y Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Europea de Madrid. 4. Doctora en Farmacia. Universidad Europea de Madrid. 5. Doctora en Medicina. Universidad Europea de Madrid.
Bonilla A, Bonilla E, Thuissard IJ, Bailén M, Hernando A. Design of a questionnaire to know the satisfaction and perception of the population with the electronic prescription system. Farm Comunitarios. 2021 Apr 19;13(2):42-48. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2021/Vol13).002.07
Abstract : 

Objective: Design of a questionnaire to determine the satisfaction and perceptions of patients with electronic prescription system.

Methods: The questionnaire was developed in three phases. First, search and selection of questionnaire  attributes. Second, analysis of the questionnaire by experts with a focus group methodology with pharmacists, doctors and nurses. Third, observational pilot study with 50 patients, users of electronic prescription system for at least one year. The internal consistency of the questionnaire, intraobserver reliability and validity were assessed.

Results: The first and second phase resulted in a questionnaire that includes 5 attributes and 17 items. In the psychometric study, Croncach`s alpha was 0.77 (CI95%: 0.66-0.85), being the “satisfaction” attribute the one most valued. The intraobserver reliability had a correlation coefficient of 0.96 (CI95%: 0.91-0.98). The validity of criterion was confirmed through Spearman´s correlation with a VAS scale. Convergent validity was statistically significant (p=0.04) for the level of studies and did not show a relation with the number of prescribed treatments.

Conclusions: The designed questionnaire has adequate reliability and validity and can be a useful tool for work in community pharmacy and for use in other autonomous communities.

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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