Farm Comunitarios. Forthcoming 2024:11-20. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2025).03

Review of patients’ medicine aid kits by community pharmacies in Alava

Vinagre Sánchez C1, 2, Ibarra Barrueta M3, 2, Mosteiro M4, 2, Villacorta M5, 2, Sáenz de Santamaría M1, 2
1. Pharmacist, Official College of Pharmacists of Álava 2. Member of the Professional Pharmaceutical Care Services Commission of the Official Association of Pharmacists of Álava 3. Pharmacist, Ibarra Pharmacy 4. Pharmacist, Mosteiro Pharmacy 5. Pharmacist. Villacorta Pharmacy
Vinagre C, Ibarra M, Mosteiro M, Villacorta M, Sáenz M. Review of patients’ medicine aid kits by community pharmacies in Alava. Farm Comunitarios. Forthcoming 2024:11-20. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2025).03
Abstract : 

IntroductionThe medicines aid kits revision services is a Clinical Professional Pharmacy Service that aims to increase patients’ knowledge about their medication, (What it is for, how to take it, how to preserve…). It also promotes proper management of expired and/or unused medicines, (disposal at punto SIGRE in pharmacies) to reduce their environmental impact.

Objective: To review the medicines, medical devices, and/or self-care products that the patient has at home, to record any incidents detected, and any pharmaceutical interventions carried out.

Material and methods: The campaign was open to all pharmacies in Alava. Participating pharmacies, after completing specific training, reviewed medicines aid kits and filled in an electronic form with the collected data. Finally, the data were analysed.

Results: The main pharmaceutical interventions were to dispose of expired medicines at point SIGRE, inform about appropriate use and storage at home.

Discussion: This study reinforces the role of the pharmacist within the health system as an indispensable agent in improving patient health.

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Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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