Farm Comunitarios. 5(2):59-63

The use of the Streptotest in community pharmacies for the rapid determination of bacterial and viral pharyngitis in adult patients

Bonafonte Jimeno MA1, Boleda Relats X2, Ricote Belinchón M3
1. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Zaragoza. Grupo de Respiratorio de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria (SEFAC) 2. Farmacéutico comunitario en Barcelona. Grupo de Respiratorio de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria (SEFAC) 3. Médico coordinadora del Grupo de Gestión del Medicamento y Seguridad del Paciente de Semergen
Bonafonte MA, Boleda X, Ricote M. The use of the Streptotest in community pharmacies for the rapid determination of bacterial and viral pharyngitis in adult patients. Farm Comunitarios. 5(2):59-63
Abstract : 

INTRODUCTION Pharyngitis is the most frequent infectious pathology in medical practice in the child and adult population. The signs and symptoms of viral or bacterial pharyngitis are non-specific, making their diagnosis difficult.
OBJECTIVES To assess the usefulness of the Streptotest for the rapid diagnosis of pharyngitis in adult patients in community pharmacies.
MATERIAL AND METHODS The design was an observational, non post-authorization (No-EPA), prospective, multicentric study at a national level in 133 community pharmacies. Selection criteria: Patients of 18 years or more who came to the pharmacy asking for a remedy for acute pharyngeal symptoms, who had not taken antibiotics in the last 3 days and who gave their written informed consent.
OUTCOMES 1,039 valid subjects. 33% of patients requested an antibiotic in the pharmacy for the treatment of pharyngitis. 54% of the patients presented non-specific symptoms of bacterial or viral infection. Evaluating the results of the Streptotest, we noted that the result was positive in 12% of patients. 93% of patients with a positive strep test were referred to their doctor. 97% of patients with a positive strep test received antibiotic treatment; 94% completed the treatment. 96% of the patients showed a positive evolution.
The Streptotest can be a useful tool for the community pharmacist, in collaboration with GPs, contributing to a significant reduction in the incorrect use of antibiotics in the treatment of viral pharyngitis.

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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