Farm Comunitarios. 2013 May 30;5(2):80-81

Doing what is advisable

Satué de Velasco E1
1. Farmacéutico comunitario en Maella (Zaragoza). Presidente de SEFAC Aragón– Lifara
Satué E. Doing what is advisable. Farm Comunitarios. 2013 May 30;5(2):80-81
Abstract : 

Although it is generally accepted that the lack of regulation and control of the financial markets unleashed the terrible economic crisis from which we are suffering, the proposal of big capital to solve it consists of greater deregulation in sectors, such as health, that are characterised by maintaining professional criteria that is independent, in as far as is possible, of spurious external pressure. What can professional pharmacists do in the face of this offensive? On the one hand, defend the current Mediterranean model, however, if we want our pharmacy model to remain we should not rest on our laurels, we must update and be capable of continuing to offer the best to patients and to society. The proposals for the evolution of the profession must arise from a major agreement between the players in the sector that will allow a model of proven social efficiency to be upheld.

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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