Farm Comunitarios. 2013 Sep 30;5(3):119-126

Proposal from the Spanish Society of Community Pharmacy (Sefac) regarding professional pharmaceutical services in the community pharmacy

Baixauli Fernández VJ1, Satué-de-Velasco E1, Gil García MI1, Roig Sena JC1, Villasuso Cores B1, Sáenz-de-Buruaga Pérez-de-Atxa S2
1. Comisión de Servicios Profesionales de SEFAC 2. Coordinadora Comisión de Servicios Profesionales de SEFAC
Baixauli VJ, Satué-de-Velasco E, Gil MI, Roig JC, Villasuso B, Sáenz-de-Buruaga S. Proposal from the Spanish Society of Community Pharmacy (Sefac) regarding professional pharmaceutical services in the community pharmacy. Farm Comunitarios. 2013 Sep 30;5(3):119-126
Abstract : 

In this document, SEFAC offers a proposal regarding the professional pharmaceutical services (PPS) to be introduced and developed by community pharmacies in forthcoming years, justifying the mission and the role of pharmacists in their service, based on the reality of the fact that the community pharmacy is one of the main primary care sources which, on a daily basis, as well as dispensing, offers other professional health activities focused on the patient and on the population that are likely to constitute other pharmaceutical services, and that there are new needs related to the use of drugs that generate an avoidable morbimortality among the population. The aim of this proposal is to encourage offering PPS (professional pharmaceutical services) from the community pharmacy, in order to cover the needs related to the care of patients who use drugs and related to public health. To achieve this objective, essential terms such as professional pharmaceutical services, catalogue and portfolio of pharmaceutical services are defined, the characteristics that these services should meet are indicated, expressed in a set of basic rules, a classification of the types of PPS is proposed and the premises necessary to achieve their introduction are listed. The characteristics of the services include their specifications, the training and certification, quality, payment, financing and dissemination, establishing the role of SEFAC in the training, educating and certifying of the professionals directly or in collaboration with other scientific societies, and in the certification and supervision programs external to the PPS for pharmacies that request them.

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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