30 December 2014
Vol. 6 N.4
Quitting smoking and promoting good health
Mendoza A.
The pharmacist as guarantor of patient health in the dispensation of acetylsalicylic acid 500 mg
Alonso ML, Pérez A, Calle J, Eyaralar T.
Professional services in community pharmacy: what does the patient think?
García L, Mediero P.
Study protocol: demand and pharmaceutical practice in buccopharyngeal disorders in Spain. The ACTUA study
Hernández A, García-Delgado P, Ocaña A, García-Cárdenas V, Labrador E, Orera ML, Martínez-Martínez F.
Special article
Consensus on the detection and management of Prediabetes. Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society
Mata M, Artola S, Escalada J, Ezkurra P, Ferrer JC, Fornos JA, Girbés J, Rica I.
Creation of a Pharmaceutical Care Training Class in the University of Salamanca
Martín A, López FG, Codesal T, Valles E, Varas R, Muro A.


Manual for authors

Journal Information