Farm Comunitarios. Forthcoming 2025:21-29. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2025).11

Inhaled Respiratory Therapy and Global Warming

Casanova-Martínez C1, Espino-Paisán E1, Buján-de-Gonzalo L1, Lema-Oreiro M1, Álvarez-Sánchez MJ1
1. Servizo de Xestión da Prestación Farmacéutica. Subdirección Xeral Farmacia. Dirección Xeral de Asistencia Sanitaria. SERGAS. Consellería de Sanidade. Santiago de Compostela. España.
Casanova-Martínez C, Espino-Paisán E, Buján-de-Gonzalo L, Lema-Oreiro M, Álvarez-Sánchez MJ. Inhaled Respiratory Therapy and Global Warming. Farm Comunitarios. Forthcoming 2025:21-29. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2025).11
Abstract : 

INTRODUCTION: Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) propellants used in current pressurized metered-dose inhalers (pMDIs) act as potent greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming. The objective of this study is to analyse the type and pattern of use of inhaler use in the Galician population, as well as to assess its impact on the carbon footprint.

METHODOLOGY: This is an observational, descriptive, and retrospective study conducted in the autonomous community of Galicia in 2023. It included patients receiving pharmaceutical care from the Galician Health Service (SERGAS) who are being treated with bronchial inhalers for the management of their respiratory conditions.

RESULTS: A total of 1.711.344 inhaler units were dispensed, equivalent to a carbon footprint of 15.247.142 kg CO2eq. pMDIs accounted for 43,17% (738.707) of the units dispensed in 2023, corresponding to almost 95,43% of the carbon footprint emitted by inhalers, with HFA-134a being the most used propellant (669.907 units).

CONCLUSIONS: pMDIs contribute to global warming, generating nearly the entire carbon footprint emitted by inhalers used in respiratory therapy. SERGAS has implemented several strategies to reduce the environmental impact caused by pMDIs.

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Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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